Original Literature, Books and E-BOOKS
Original Literature, Books and E-BOOKS
We're trying something new. A string of books. A series? No. A string. All the books are related, in concept, kind of, but the individual stories are separate and unique. The string is intended for young readers. And what we hope will make it even more fun is that young readers will be invited into the creative process.
Besides expanding our own brand, this project should assist our education-oriented, non-profit friends. So how many 'wins' is that? Stay tuned. It will be fun!
COLD CALLING - The first book in a series of 3, surrounding The Sycamore Centennial Parade, is now headed to the editors.
In 1978, Poodle, and his lifelong pal, The Milkman, are suddenly unemployed. Both men are quite pleased by this prospect. But before either can fire up the grill or beer burp the alphabet, they are recruited by Poodle's wife to sell parade spots for the City of Sycamore's Centennial celebration.
Neither man has ever let a little thing like holding a job interfere with the importance of having fun. Why should things be different now?
Current release date November 2024.
A recent article in Smithsonian magazine tells of the ocean bottom making its own oxygen, in the absence of plant life. Metallic rocks generate a near 1 volt current that separates O2 from the saline solution. Amazing! Hunt down the article and find out more.
Our Logo, which has been with us since the beginning, finally has a name.
Rorrance Rorshaq. (think Scoobie Doo)
Rorey, as he is now affectionately known, has been indispensable. We utilize him constantly.
We weren't exactly content with him not having a name. But never put much time or effort into giving him one, either. Perhaps if he had complained...
Then a friend commented that he reminded her of a Rorschach Ink Blot test.
Enough of a sign for me.