Original Literature, Books and E-BOOKS
Original Literature, Books and E-BOOKS
Charlie is the founder and first author at Fintan and Turtle. He is well seasoned. That is to say, he is older than gravel.
He enjoys being alone. Often.
And fancies himself a curmudgeon.
But that all melts away in the company of toddlers or puppies.
His social circle is small. And he is known to exaggerate that he has a 'cloistered existence'.
The irony of such a statement, finding its way on to the internet, entertains him.
He also likes, dad-jokes, bad puns, and any cornball play-on words. Particularly with names.
When working, he can be found in the imaginary world of Sycamore NY. Everyone, and everything, he has ever created, has at least a vague association with that town.
When not working, he can be found, with his wife, sitting in their backyard. Watching the deer. And the ducks. And occasional turkeys.
It's a virtual petting zoo.
With bourbon.